Thursday, September 2, 2010

Create-A-Class Info

Create-a-class has seriously gotten a makeover. The perks you choose in the Perk 1 slot determine what your character is going to look like. You can fully rotate your character to see what their outfit and gear combination look like. It is pretty sweet.

But let's get down to the good stuff.

Like always you have your two types of grenades, but this time they're not simply primary grenade/secondary grenade. Nah, they made it interesting. They're now called Lethal and Tactical. Lethal are your primary grenades--frag grenade, Semtex and a Tomahawk. Now, I realize a Tomahawk is not a grenade, this is most likely why the name change came about. And let me tell you, that Tomahawk is badass. Tactical grenades are your Willy Pete (a smoke grenade), Nova Gas (like Tabun from World at War), Flashbang, Concussion and Decoy, a new addition. Decoy simulates gunfire and radar indicators. I didn't try that one out but I wish I had to see how that one works.

There is some new equipment that you can use as well as some other favorites that are making a return. We now have the option of using a Camera Spike which we saw in the MP trailer we've all watched a hundred times, C4, tactical insertion, jammer, motion sensor and claymores. Motion sensor is a pretty cool perk as is the camera spike. I'm looking forward to using those.

A lot of people have said they didn't want to see OMA, Juggernaut, Commando etc make a return. Well, here's what you get to see that made it into the game.

Perk Slot 1--
Lightweight, Scavenger, Ghost (invisible to spy planes etc), Flak Jacket and Hardline (same perk as in MW2)

Perk Slot 2--
Hardened (bullet penetration), Scout (hold your breath longer), Steady Aim, Sleight of Hand, and Warlord (basically the same as Bling from MW2)

Perk Slot 3--
Marathon, Ninja (dead silence), Second Chance, Hacker (detect enemy equipment and explosives) and Tactical Mask (like gas mask)


Todd said...

Nice write up.. LOL@ That's what she said.. nice touch

Anonymous said...

wheres stopping power?

Anonymous said...

what about camo's?

Pyrino said...

Stopping power, Jugg, OMA, Danger Close, Commando are not making a return. I for one am glad, this will mark the return of CoDs focus to meta game and personal strategy, not overpowered (and in some cases game breaking) perks.

Morgan said...

I've still got to write about the camos, killstreaks and a few other things. It will get posted in due time.

Pyrino said...

Thanks a ton. The site I work for is loving the info you're giving. Keep it up :).

Anonymous said...

Hi ya, nice site. Can I ask when information about Camo's will be out? I would really like to know about the different weapon camoflauges. I must have missed them last night.

Morgan said...


Anonymous said...

Nice. Looking forward to hearing more!

Anonymous said...

wait so you said "perk 1 slot is going to detremin what your guy looks like". does that mean perk 1 slots are like the ones you said or are there 4 slots

Pyrino said...

There are three slots, however the first perk that you choose (blue perk I assume) affects the appearance of your character. You can also further customize him with facepaint I think.

Anonymous said...

like you said perk one slots twice

Anonymous said...

ok thts sick

Pyrino said...

So basically Lightweight will make your dude look one way, and Scavenger will make him look different, same with the rest of the perks.

Anonymous said...

do you have all the attacthments

Anonymous said...

i like the perk set ups:-

Anonymous said...

treyarch confirmed no stopping power :D

TimFromWales said...

Its cool that the perks will alter the appearance - the only noticeable difference previously was the OMA backpack. Plus of course the carrying of diff weapons on the back.

I want to know if there is there any info on the Shotgun as a secondary weapon?

Check out my blog - Me and My PS3

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