DJ Z-Trip was the first to hit the stage. He definitely got my attention when I heard the opening bars to a song that is a strong memory in my mind. Super Mario Brothers was a game I grew up with and I'll never forget that theme song. DJ Z-Trip definitely got the energy up a bit with his opening act.
There was a choreographed dance to Lady Gaga's "Just Dance" but Lady Gaga did not make an appearance despite the rumors circulating that she would be in attendance. Kind of a bummer because I think that would have been pretty cool but they did a great job without her. And who doesn't like watching scantily clad women dance on a stage?
Deadmau5 took the stage helping to promote DJ Hero 2, a game that I am sure will be a hit just like the first one. I've never actually had the opportunity to play DJ Hero but I've heard great things about it. Also helping to promote the game was David Guetta who rocked our worlds by playing "Sexy Bitch" as well as a couple other numbers.
Usher appeared on stage to perform next singing "Caught Up," "In This Club," and "Yeah." After that will.i.am joined him on stage to perform "OMG." Talk about amazing. At this point I know my eyes were the size of saucers in amazement at the performers Activision had brought in for us. They were going beyond anything I'd ever imagined I'd see that night.
Tony Hawk and some other pro skaters took the stage to promote Tony Hawk: Shred. Apparently they'd had a large ramp set up but there were some technical difficulties that made them take it down. They left the stage and up next on the screen was a Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. The game characters began singing Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" and Maynard James Keenan of Tool and A Perfect Circle joined the stage singing the song for us. He was accompanied by the Los Angeles Philharmonic and a gospel choir. The choir members' stoles said "Save Rock," and I thought that was a fantastic touch.

A 3 story pole was lowered from the ceiling to the stage. A woman took the stage and stepped up to the pole. Apparently she was a world-famous pole-dancer. She truly takes pole-dancing to the extreme. She danced her way at least 3/4 of the way up that pole. It was something you really had to see to believe. She had no wires securing her as she danced, nor was there a mat below her. She knew her art and performed beautifully. I've never seen anything like it and probably never will again. I'm just glad I got to see that.
There was a preview of True Crime: Hong Kong which will be released this fall which was accompanied by Pharell Williams and N.E.R.D as well as up-and-coming new artist Rhea.
Next up was our opportunity to see the level Payback from Call of Duty: Black Ops. I was enthralled with this level. As you recall, during the First Look Preview Event we only got to see two levels so seeing something new was definitely a pleasant surprise. The level was accompanied by the Los Angeles Philharmonic as well as some pyrotechnics. I definitely jumped when the pyrotechnics first went off. Here are some images I managed to catch.

Great recap. Looks like it was a blast. :)
This is me being jealous ----> >:(
Looks like it was a blast.
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